Welcome to Nockiros Homepage!

Hits: (since 22.09.2023)


Welcome to my homepage, I'm glad (and only a little bit confused about how) you found it!
On this website, you'll find a bunch of information about myself and some of the stuff based around my hobbies.

Since I grew up with and still enjoy web design of the 90s/early 00s, the design is based on / inspired by exactly that (see also website tech details/credits).
I also liked the thought of a clean website working fine even without having JavaScript enabled or at least with the least amount of JavaScript necessary.

Let me know what you think!

🚧 'Under construction' notes

... this website will still be under construction for a while, so there might be areas that aren't filled yet.


In case you want to contact me or just verify I sit on the other side of a communications channel.

E-Mail contact
Current GPG/PGP key ID: D8CD18E6, available via auto discovery, on nockiro.de (file) or at keys.openpgp.org (file).
Username: nockiro (previously: Nockiro#2014)
Private, so only on request
Handle: nockiro@chaostreff-alzey.de
Server is currently offline
Handle: @robin:nockiro.de
Webinterface: Riot.im
Username: Nockiro
Username: Nockiro on the hackint IRC network
Webinterface: WebIRC without registration
Username: Nockiro

You talked to the webserver on www.nockiro.de (powered by the Apache Web Server) | See details/credits | Impressum/Privacy | | Last modified: 2024/07/13 18:08:23