.. so you don't have to visit three times a day but you still are up to date!
Current design (quick list)
Year: 2024
XMPP contact offline
— Added
indicator to XMPP contact as it's currently not available.
Year: 2023
— Moved some of the "Programming Languages" into a new "Frameworks / Environments"
— Introduced graphics to represent the knowledge level (I might still tweak that in the future).
— Internal refactoring of the guestbook, removed milliseconds on guestbook entries
— Made sure the page isn't seen as "Not Modified", especially if an entry has just been added.
— Minor editorial changes
— Added clarification/link for details
in the neon theme area that this website is based on it,
not that it is that theme.
Halloween Design 🎃
(Limited Edition Design™, just that one day)
Restructured Projects page, moved skills to Projects/IT.
Made small design adjustments (No scrollbar in the menu anymore, hit counter doesn't count error page hits)
Added changelog and design history page
Removed green tint on the background tiles, increased default font size from 14px to 16px
Replaced Minimalistic theme (dark and light) completely with Neon theme
Editorial changes and sleek new banners
Lots of content redesign/additions (esp. 'About me')
Introducing: Guestbook (and scrollbar to deal with the many pages and too much content)!
Introducing: Web site tech details + more project page progress
Year: 2022
Introducing: Hit counter.
Introducing: Pipes. (screensaver)
Multiple internal changes for better reusability
Neon! (Started working on the neon theme, but on another domain)
Added possibility to change light/dark theme if system theme isn't wanted + HTTP 304 if page wasn't modified
Added link to start on logo click + did some backend work
Added a fresh construction site emoji from 12 years ago
Added something like a logo, included hover over calculated year range in 'about me'
Added dark theme, started working on the 'socials' corner and revised some content
The content you currently see was originally created on 07/01/2019 (back then: "Minimalistic" light theme).
Previous designs
Over the years - with a long pause - I've made a few attempts at making my personal homepage (most of them not on
this domain).
Below, the ones I could find are listed with screenshots and the years I've spent maintaining them.
You might be able to see demos/live versions on the Projects page.
Immediate Predecessor (2019-2023)
Before the current version of my homepage, I tried a more minimalistic approach.
I still think that, especially for the dark design, it can work for sites with less content, but in the end it
wasn't for me.
Homepage between 2019 and 2023 in its light themed, more minimalistic design.
Homepage between 2019 and 2023 in its dark themed, more minimalistic design.
Historical Predecessors (2009-2013)
Before a looong pause in which I focused on non-web-projects, I quite enjoyed working on my homepage.
There were a few "designs" (remember: I was still a kid) which were heavily influenced by the early 00s-eraesque
"Just put anything on your homepage and make sure you have a different background picture on every page" approach.
I actually experimented a lot in that time, so I really don't even know if there were more designs crawling
around or when they've been online exactly.
Homepage between 2009 and early 2010, more or less a simple frame-based link directory.
The green clock in the header was a Flash animation!
Homepage between around 2011 and 2013, still a simple layout, but now with real background images (and a lot
more chaotic design).
You talked to the webserver on www.nockiro.de (powered by the Apache Web Server)
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| Last modified: 2024/07/13 18:08:23