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Hits: (since 22.09.2023)


This page can be seen as a plain overview of skills with hard-/software I've acquired over the years.
I've tried to make this list as detailed as I can - while keeping it short enough to hopefully not bore you - but, if you have questions about specific listings or missing items, you may of course always ask me.
To see them in practice, you can visit the Projects page for (public) projects I'm currently working on as well as projects from my beginnings.

Programming languages

List of programming languages I learned and my current knowledge status with them
Language Started in Proficiency level[2] Notes
(Console, WinForms, WPF)
2013 Advanced I'm actively working with C# in multiple personal/paid projects and at my current job in .NET Framework as well as .NET Core environments.
My main field of working in C# is WinForms and backend API development, I only worked once on a WPF project in a Code Snippet Manager.
VB.NET 2017 Intermediate I'm actively working with VB.NET on a daily basis at current job.
PHP/HTML 2013 Intermediate I have been working regularly with PHP/HTML since I started (for all kinds of web-based tooling/scripts/software) and I'm still actively working with both in conjunction with each other on a regular basis (maintaining/creating websites, management platforms and such), but mostly without frameworks.
COBOL 2020 Intermediate I'm regularly adjusting/writing code and often reading COBOL code at my current job.
Java 2015 Intermediate I've used it primarily in android projects[1], but also in minor "pure" java applications.
AutoIt 2011 Intermediate I've worked with it for many years for "real" applications (see also Projects), now rather for smaller scripts.
TypeScript/JavaScript 2019 Novice Aside from everything written in "NodeJS", I review/read and occasionally write code in TypeScript and - to a lesser extent - pure JavaScript at my current job.
C 2017 Novice I've worked with it in personal projects and used it as a tutor for procedural programming at my university between 2019 and 2021.
Python 2017 Novice I worked with Python on a few university projects (one is an API publicly accessible on Duolingo), now I only use it occasionally to write smaller scripts.
C++ 2019 Novice I've learned it at university and in small personal/paid projects, but I'm only working with it in special cases.
Scheme 2021 Basic Knowledge I'm using it to write GnuCash report templates from time to time.

Frameworks / Environments

List of (some of the) frameworks and environments I use programming languages in
Language Started in Proficiency level[2] Notes
.NET Framework 2013 Advanced I've been working with the .NET Framework from version 2.0 until the very last 4.8, and I'm still actively working with it (see "C#").
.NET Core / .NET >= 5 2021 Intermediate I've been using .NET Core / .NET >=5 since it came out, I'm basing all new projects on it since then and (slowly) migrating old personal projects from .NET Framework.
But: Especially the projects I tend to spend the most time with are still based on .NET Framework.
ASP.NET 2018 Intermediate I'm primarily working with it at my job, but also use it in rare cases for personal projects (one example: a Translation Platform which is still live and maintained here, public access is restricted, though).
NodeJS 2019 Novice I'm using it regularly with a project for home automation and a while ago for the backend of a small university group internal file management and administration platform[1]


List of platforms I've worked with so far and notes on how I worked with them
Category Platform Started in Notes
🕓️ Version Control (Management) SVN, Git, TFVC 2014 I'm actively working on Git in all aspects of my personal/professional life on a daily basis (it's really a great tool), SVN and TFVC not so much anymore (replaced by Git after years of use).
GitLab, ​GitHub, ​Bitbucket, ​USVN 2014 I'm actively working with and managing a GitLab instance for multiple projects and working on GitHub mostly in open-source hobby/university projects.
🔨 Build automation Jenkins, Azure DevOps 2016 I'm actively working with and administrating a Jenkins instance and using (although not managing) Azure DevOps on a daily basis.
TeamCity 2021 I'm actively working with and managing TeamCity build projects.
👓 Automated Code Quality Assurance Sonarqube 2019 I'm actively working with and administrating multiple Sonarqube instances.
🔑 Authentication and SSO Keycloak 2021 I'm administrating a Keycloak instance for centralized authentication/authorization management.
Via this platform, I work especially on authentication via LDAP/OpenID Connect.
Gluu 2019 I've administrated/used a Gluu instance in the past, Gluu has since been replaced by Keycloak in my environments.
📄 Content Management Systems phpBB 2014 I'm actively working with and administrating a phpBB instance and I'm occasionally writing plugins for it.
Wordpress 2014 I'm working with and administrating multiple WordPress instances
(see chorismatic.de and mfbot.de for public examples)
WikiJs 2023 I'm actively using it for categorizing information and useful stuff I'm gathering over the years.
MediaWiki 2020 I have used it as a private knowledge base in the past (has been replaced with WikiJs now.)


List of webservers I've worked with so far and notes on how I worked with them
System Started in Notes
Apache 2014 I'm actively working with and administrating multiple own apache instances, currently with versions 2.2 and 2.4.
Nginx 2022 I'm actively using Nginx as WebServer/Reverse Proxy in personal and paid project sites/platforms.
IIS 2018 I'm actively working with and administrating an IIS instance for ASP.NET platforms.

Database (Management) Systems

List of database-related systems I've worked with so far and notes on how I worked with them
System Started in Notes
MySQL, ​MariaDB 2014 I'm actively working with and administrating multiple own MariaDB instances, I've used "real/pure" MySQL instances in the past.
MSSQL 2018 I'm regularly working with it at my current job.


List of IT-related systems and software I've worked with that doesn't fit into the other categories
System Started in Notes
Non-Windows systems
2014 I'm working with and administrating multiple debian server systems (currently versions 8–12) and TrueNAS (BSD-based) on a daily basis
Thus, I also find my way through bash scripts and the standard unix tools as well as software like Jitsi Meet or Matrix.
LXD/LXC, Docker 2018 Most of the systems/platforms I maintain are now running in containers for security and backup reasons.
I'm administrating them, too, but I'm not that much of an expert.
Windows Server 2019 I'm working with and administrating/maintaining multiple Windows Server 2019 instances, but not on a daily basis.
WireGuard 2020 I'm working with WireGuard for spanning a small virtual private home network am occasionally helping others through setting it up.


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